on the Net
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Publisher's Guide to On-line Philosophical Resources
- an
excellent site, helpful suggestions
Hippias. Limited Area Search of
Philosophy on the Internet Guide to Philosophy on the Internet from Peter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham College. A massive meta-site with vast links through out the web. You can't go wrong by starting here. Pathways to Philosophy Distance Learning Project - from the Brits, check out the Philosophy from A to Z section Peter Milne's Internet Resources in Philosophy
Philosophy in Cyberspace
Philosophy Research Base
WWW Virtual
Library |
on the Net
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
My Virtual Encyclopedia: Philosophy Resources
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
to Philosophy Web Sites
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Academic Info Philosophy -- An Annotated Directory of Internet Resources, including Ancient, Medieval, Modern, African and Chinese among others. Aesthetics Online --articles, bibliographies, teaching resources, links to related sites, and more. All.Info: Philosophy -- a listing of sites by subject from Aesthetics to Viking! Appetizers and Lessons for Math and Reason Arts and Letters Daily --find out what's new in the field of philosophy., book reviews and more. Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It indexes 1,100 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, as well as covering individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals. Part of the ISI Web of Science database. 1987 - present. BEARS --Brown Electronic Article Review Service, a bibliography and review of journal articles in moral and political philosophy A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers BUBL Link: Philosophy -- An annotated catalogue of Internet resources in Philosophy. The Critical Thinking Community --Contains articles focused on the background and theory of critical thinking, guidelines and lessons for integrating critical thinking into the curriculum and information on critical thinking seminars, academies, inservices, and summer conferences. Critical Thinking on the Web -- Links to many articles on topics like argument mapping, cognitive biases, critical reading and writing, fallacies, statistics, tutorials, and more. Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind --a collaborative work, under construction, includes not only definitions of philosophical terms, but also links to discussions and references. Episteme Links --includes links to e-texts, journals, papers, and even philosophical humor. Humbul Humanities Hub -- "discovers, evaluates and catalogues online resources in the humanities of use to students, teachers and researchers, with a strength in resources for Philosophy. . . " Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy --this scholarly effort explains each term at some length, with a bibliography (but not a webliography); there is also a timeline of philosophy, a selection of clickable texts, and a keyword search capability. A work in progress--philosophers are invited to contribute entries. Learning Strategies Database ---The strategies information derives from a number of sources, including books, professional journals, and presentations from professional meetings. Minerva Dictionary of Concepts --History of Ideas. Each brief article is full of hyperlinks for more information. Netserf --the Internet Connection for Medieval Resources. Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy --an extensive index of resources in the field put together by Scott Moore at Baylor University. It provides links to specific philosophers as well as links to journals and schools of thought. Other Sites of Philosophical Interest Philosopher's Index - 1940-present, provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields. It covers the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysic logic as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language. Philosophers' Web Magazin ---"your gateway to the best in classic and contemporary philosophy. With news, reviews, features, interviews, new philosophy and over 200 philosophy links..." Philosophical Gourmet Report--a ranking of American philosophy programs, with general information about graduate study in philosophy. Philosophy in Cyberspace --won the Digital Librarian's Award for excellence. Includes topical links (aesthetics, logic, etc), text-links, discussion forums, and more. Philosophy in the Matrix-- Discusses the philosophical aspects of the motion picture starring Keanu Reeves. -- 100 important thinkers and 30 subject areas. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy --a work in progress. Currently has about 500 articles available. You can also see what other terms it plans to include in the future. |
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on the Net
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On-line books from U of Penn The Philosophy Documentation Center's goal is to provide philosophers with electronic access to the widest possible range of philosophical literature. Eserver's Philosphy Collection--contains canonical philosophic texts and links to scholarly philosophic organizations. International Directory of On-line Philosophy Papers The Internet Classics Archive - "Select from a list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and "reader's choice" Web sites. Mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation."
Online Papers on Consciousness -
"This is a directory of 1284 online papers on consciousness and related
topics. ... Most papers are by academic philosophers or scientists." Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary UC Berkeley's electronic journals are being cataloged under their individual titles with their URLs linked and/or provided in the catalog records. Search Pathfinder if you are looking for a specific title. You also can browse or search the contents of Berkeley's electronic journals by provider or publisher; they are linked to from the Electronic Reference Resources/Journals page. See also the list of links to online philosophy journals compiled by Prof. John MacFarlane. Many of these e-journals are restricted to UC or UCB domains. |
on the Net
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on the Net
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Episteme Links - "Includes thousands of sorted links to philosophy resources on the internet has several additional features." Ethics Connection Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University Ethics Updates - The editor of "Ethics Updates," philosophy professor Laurence Hinman, states his purpose as intending "to provide updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics." An excellent academic resource, "Ethics Update" is or ganized by major topics in ethical theory and applied ethics. Topics in ethical theory include: ethical relativism; utilitarianism; Kant and deontology; Aristotle and virtue ethics; ethical egoism; and rights theories, while topics in applied ethics incl ude: gender and sexism; race and ethnicity; poverty and welfare; world hunger; and environmental ethics. Hinman divides the individual topic pages into "Internet resources," "Bibliographies," and "Discussion questions," and provides links or commentary f or each. The site does a tremendous job of gathering current and important on-line resources in ethics studies. Recommended for serious students of ethics.
Gateway to Philosophy
Jobs for Philosophers -
"Job advertisements in philosophy world-wide, postings in any language.
Ordered by date of posting, more recent postings first. Three pages:
Asia/Africa/Australasia." Most postings are for faculty positions in
higher educational institutions. Online Papers on Consciousness - "This is a directory of 1284 online papers on consciousness and related topics. ... Most papers are by academic philosophers or scientists."
Peter Milne's Internet Resources in Philosophy Philosophical Resources in the Net
Philosophy Pages - Garth Kemerling maintains this site that offers helpful information for students of the Western Philosophical tradition. Some of the elements you will find on this site include: a survey of the history of Western Philosophy, a timeline, discussion of several major philosophers, links to other philosophy sites on the Internet, and a study guide for students of philosophy.
Philosophy around the Web - Peter J. King states "The main purpose of this site is to act as a guide and a gateway to philosophy resources on the Internet. The heart of the site is a set of links organised into fourteen main categories." Routledge's Guide to Philosophy Resources on the Internet Sean's One-Stop Philosophy Shop
Video lectures on ethics and values - worth visiting to and watching, many useful lectures and discussions Virtual Library Guide to Philosophy Voice of the Shuttle: Philosophy - "VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department." Wadsworth Philosophy Shoppe - A comprehensive resource center for instructors, students, and anyone intrigued by philosophy. You will find information on their texts and additional resources. Check out: "Through the Looking Glass" (challenging games and puzzles and humor.) The World-Wide Web Virtual Library- Philosophy
PHILOSOPHICAL RESOURCES - Diocese of Marbel, Philippines |
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