Most Popular:

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet   - over 2,700 links to sites which are categorized and cross-referenced.
Cemetery Records Online - indexed directory of links to websites with genealogical burial records.
Barrel of Links, A - numerous links; also contains a number of sites for Civil War buffs.
Genealogy Gateway To The Web - offers research of family ancestory with genealogy software and free searches.
RAND Genealogy Club
Genealogical Database Index - contains links to genealogical databases searchable through the Web

Complete List: Alphabetical

Alan's Genealogy On The Web - lists birth, census, death, land, marriage, military, and state records indexes.
Andrew Kemp's Genealogy Page - personal and general links.
Barrel of Links, A - numerous links; also contains a number of sites for Civil War buffs.
Cemetery Records Online - indexed directory of links to websites with genealogical burial records.
Family Derivatives - tool for genealogy and for communications associated with genealogy.
Family Genealogy Online - links to genealogy related web sites and search tools. - collection of family and genealogy-related graphics whose intent is to allow users to link to web sites
to explore their family history.
Free Family Tree Makers Online - offers articles and links to genealogy software downloads, references, mailing lists, and other tools to help trace a family tree.
GenDir - Genealogy Directory - features a range genealogy resources, tools, and software for searching through multiple surname sites.
GeneaLinks - categorized directory of genealogy and history sites. Includes a searchable marriage records database.
Genealogical Database Index - contains links to genealogical databases searchable through the Web.
Genealogy and Family Heritage - collection of links devoted to genealogy in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Genealogy Gateway To The Web - offers research of family ancestory with genealogy software and free searches.
Genealogy Home Page
Genealogy Resources on the Internet (Gaunt/Fuller) - divided by access type: mailing lists, newsgroups, FTP sites, web
sites, telnet sites, gopher sites, and email addresses.
Genealogy Surname Search - provides links to searching for surname origins and performing research on history and
meaning. - provides links to selected genealogy sites and directories. Also, offers a e-book for those beginning online genealogy research. - find links, newsletters, books, lookups and much more.
GenSearcher - links to genealogical databases, search engines and surname indices searchable through the web.
I Found It - searchable directory of genealogy sites.
Janyce's Root Diggin' Department - lots of links including those for helping beginners.
Louis Kessler's Genealogical Program Links
Passenger Lists on the Internet - links to passenger and ships lists on the web.
RAND Genealogy Club
Ray Henderson's Genealogy Page - names being researched; links to Henderson researchers; links to genealogy and
Civil War sites.
Sharkey's Links To Genealogical Links - index of links genealogical web directories.
Though Silent, They Speak - offers links to recommended web sites, software, and publications. Also houses an East Texas cemetery index.
Western Manitoba Genealogy Pages

Additional Sites:

The American West: A Celebration of the Human Spirit - Leave it to a Swedish immigrant to present an online history of the American West, from the days of Wild Bill and Wyatt Earp to today's modern West. Though Bengt Lindeblad died in 1997, his site lives on, full of articles and links on topics such as American westward expansion, European emigration and all you'll ever need to know about cowboys. Plus look for upcoming events, stories from visitors and the online trading post.
Archiving Early America - Those of you with colonial ancestors can learn more about them through what they read (newspapers, maps, pamphlets), whom they followed (the lives and portraits of important players) and illustrations of events (battles, weddings and more). Includes a searchable digital library.
The Costumer's Manifesto - Perhaps most relevant to genealogists is the site's costume history, which displays illustrations and photographs of period costumes as well as fashion timelines. Click on any image to examine a costume more closely.
Migrations - Find links to online migration and genealogical sources. Also search its database that collects and analyzes migration data and provides migration patterns for genealogical, historical and educational research.
Museum Spot - You'll be able to locate museums by city, state, country, name and topic; explore museums by type; search for exhibits by artist; access educational and industry resources; and more.
My History is America's History - My History Is America's History - This site, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, helps you discover your own family's history by placing it against the backdrop of American history.
The Poor House Story - If one of your relatives ended up in a 19th-century American poorhouse, it can be a roadblock in your records search. This site may help you find a book or Web site to access the records you need. It also details poorhouse history, laws and cemeteries. Learn the social history behind the institution and search by state for archives.
The Time of the Lincolns  - Learn more about the Civil War's partisan politics, slavery and freedom, the rising nation, Americans at war, a woman's world and transcripts from the film of the same name.
United States Historical Census Data Browser - You won't find specific information about your ancestors here, but you will find data that will help you understand the time and place they lived in. A visit to this site is sure to give you an idea of how your ancestors were like or unlike their contemporaries.


HISTORY RESOURCES  -  Diocese of Marbel, Philippines

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