American Artist (Electronic Edition)

Architronic: The Electronic Journal of Architecture

Art Daily

Art Museum Network News - "The AMN News Site is the official news site of the Art Museum Network, an online art museum portal..." Sections include: General News ; Events & Exhibitions ; Buildings & Spaces ; Collections ; People in the News.

The Art Newspaper - International Edition. "Events, Politics and Economics."

Artmetal Features

Artswire Current

Asian Art

CAA Reviews

Contemporary Australian Art

ˇdel Corazón! - "Featuring the Smithsonian American Art Museum's collection of art by Latino artists, ˇdel Corazón! is an interactive, educational webzine for teachers and students."

glasswork (English or Japanese) - A Bimonthly Web Magazine on Glass

Globe e Journal of Contemporary Art

Ijele: Art eJournal - " online journal of contemporary art and architecture, art history and criticism, focusing exclusively on the visual creative expressions of artists in Africa and other regions of the world."

Kunstform. Rezensionsjournal zur Kunstgeschichte (German) - Reviews on art history from the Renaissance to the Neoclassicism

mark(s) - This arts magazine includes Poetry/Fiction ; Essays ; Visual Arts

Other Voices - The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism. "...regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities; covering philosophy, literature, visual art, music, and theory in a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms."
Published by the University of Pennsylvania

Resources in Art History for Graduate Students - A Newsletter of Fellowships and other Opportunities. "This continuously updated newsletter lists grants, fellowships, internships and study abroad opportunities for graduate students in art history and closely related areas such as humanities and visual art studies. It also carries listings of art history conferences and publication opportunities of particular interest to graduate students."
Maintained by Adrienne DeAngelis

Soundsite - The online journal of Sound Theory, Philosophy of Sound and Sound Art.


Venezia Cinquecento (Italian or English) - Studi di storia dell'arte e della cultura. A quarterly devoted to the study of Venetian art and culture history

Womanist Theory and Research - A Journal of Womanist and Feminist-of-Color Scholarship and Art.


ART RESOURCES  -  Diocese of Marbel, Philippines

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