SYNOD OF BISHOPS -  Issues and Concern, Diocese of Marbel

Synod of Bishops


While Synods of Bishops have been frequent throughout the centuries, the Second Vatican Council wished to make them something regular in the life of the Church. Now, every three years or so, bishops from each country or region, chosen by their fellow bishops of the area, meet together in a synod, along with the Pope, a certain number of delegates whom he has appointed, and officials of the Roman Curia, to study some important topic of Church life and concern (e.g., family, formation of priests, evangelization, penance). Each makes his contribution freely. 

After the synod, the Pope usually publishes a document called an apostolic exhortation, drawing together the ecclesial wisdom thus brought to light. Among these have been Familiaris Consortio (1981), on marriage and family life; Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (1984), on the sacrament of Penance; and Christifideles Laici (1988), on laypeople. 

These are the ordinary general assemblies of the Synod of Bishops. Church law also makes provision for regional synods made up of the bishops of a particular country or region and “extraordinary” synodal assemblies convened by the Pope for some special purpose. Synods of these two kinds have in fact been held since Vatican II. 

The Synod of Bishops serves to strengthen the participants’ ecclesial bonds both with the Pope and among themselves. By means of the synod they bring their experience to the central government of the Church, learn from the experience of other areas and dioceses, and can return to their own dioceses with renewed wisdom, initiatives, and evangelizing zeal.


See: Bishop; Church, Nature, Origin, and Structure of; Collegiality; Ecumenical Council.




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