Promulgated, Paul VI, Nov. 21, 1964



Individual Churches or Rites

Preservation of the Spiritual Heritage of the Eastern Churches

Eastern Rite Patriarchs

The Discipline of the Sacraments

Relations with the Brethren of Separated Churches

OE acknowledges as legitimate the diversity of local Churches within the Church universal while accepting certain autonomy.



The Catholic Church values the institutions, liturgy and traditions of the Eastern Churches as part of the heritage of the universal Church. So, the following principles:

The Individual Churches or Rites

·         The Catholic Church is made up of the faithful united by same faith, sacraments and governance, and by separate
    Churches or Rites.

·         This diversity within the Church manifests its unity.

·         These individual Churches are of equal dignity.

·         Clerics and laity should be educated about different rites.

·         Each Catholic must hold and cherish his own rite.

Preservation of the Spiritual Heritage of the Eastern Churches

Members of the Eastern Rite should improve and know better their liturgy and way of life.

Eastern Rite Patriarchs

1.      The patriarchate has existed in the Church from the earliest times.

2.      The Eastern patriarch is the bishop with jurisdiction over all bishops, metropolitans, clergy and people of his own
   territory or rite, without prejudice to the primacy of the Pope.

3.      All the Eastern patriarchates are of equal dignity. The rights and privileges of patriarchs should be re-established.

4.      The patriarchs with their synods are the highest authority for all business of the patriarchates.

The Discipline of the Sacraments.

The Council confirms the ancient discipline of the sacraments existing in the Oriental Churches.

·         Confirmation may be conferred by priests either with baptism or separately.

·         The faithful may take part in the liturgy according to their own rite, observe Sunday and feast day, and may
     receive communion even daily.

·         Confession of people of any rite may be heard by priests in the same area.

·         Permanent diaconate should be restored.

·         Marriages between Eastern Catholics and baptized Eastern non-Catholics are valid provided a minister is
    present, and proper canonical form is observed.

Divine Worship

1.      Common feast days can be changed by an ecumenical council or the Apostolic See.

2.      Individual feast days are within the competence of the patriarchal synod.

3.      Until agreed on, the celebration of Easter is left to the patriarchs for their areas.

4.      Faithful living outside the area of their rite may follow the customs of the place where they live.

5.      Families of mixed rite may observe the law according to one and the same rite.

6.      Clerics and religious should celebrate Divine Office according to their traditions.

Relations with the Brethren of Separated Churches

1.      Eastern Churches should promote the unity of all Christians: by prayer, by example, by religious fidelity to traditions,
   by mutual knowledge, by collaborations, and by brotherly regard for facts and feelings.

2.      Any Eastern Christians who join the Catholic Church should have no more required of them than a mere profession of
   the Catholic faith.

3.      Eastern clerics may use the Orders that they have on joining the Catholic Church.

4.      Common participation in worship which harms Church unity or causes error is forbidden. However, where unity is not
   hurt, a mild policy may be adopted.

5.      Eastern Christians, if they ask of their own accord and have the right disposition, may be granted the sacraments of
   penance, the Eucharist, and the anointing of the sick. Catholics may do likewise when access to a Catholic priest is
   physically or morally impossible.

6.      Common participation by Catholics with their Eastern separated brethren in sacred functions is allowed for a just


All these directives are temporary in anticipation of complete unity. Meanwhile, all must pray for unity.



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